Get to know the character that fits you.
If your a big fan of the Borderlands series you should know how this goes when it comes to picking a character that works for you.
Borderlands 3 has alot to offer when it comes to character seletion. When playing co op Ypur playing with others so you have less time to figure out who you want to play with . If your the solo type of person you get a liltle more time to chose considering the fact that your going on your adventures along.
This guide should help you decide and Get to know details about every vault hunter in Borderlands 3.
Amara, The Siren

Amara is a Siren in Borderlands 3, she works best when your in the middle of the action. Amara playing on the frontline being surrounded by enemies seems like the best way to play.
Amara three abilities includes: a ground slam, a ranged projection of herself, or a Phaselock ability, which lifts enemies in the air and freezes them for a short time.
All Amara abilities focus on elemental damge reguradless of which tree you build for her. So you cam mix and match different elements to get a ranged of damage combinations. So if you like to be the one running into the middle of the battle and using elemrntal attacks, Amara is the Vault Hunter for you.
FL4K, the Beastmaster

This second vault hunter is FL4K. He’s is the hunter class with a beastly companion at his side. This is a class that would be extremely helpful if your deciding to go solo. I found that mixing and matching skills for a balanced FL4K works pretty well but you can pour your skills into one skill tree which ever works for you.
If your into snipers and long range bolt action weapons, FL4K is most definitely the one for you.
FL4K’s has a nice variety of Action Skills that compliments his long range type of play. He’s a few skills that you can choose to use when building your skill tree. Shotgun spray of Rakk creatures, turn invisible, or enrage a pet to send into the frontline. FL4K is also the only character that can command pet’s attention to attack specific enemies.
ZANE, The Operative

Zane is a solider type of Vault Hunter. He likes to play tricks on the battle field. His actions skills includes a Clone, a Shield and a Drone.
Using his clone action he can swap positions with which can come in pretty handy. His sheild and defend you and your allies and your drone can be sent out to do damage.
Zane can select two action skills at once for instance, if you want to use a Clone and a shield you can and use the at the same time. You don’t have to switch between the two.
If you like moving around alot and tricking your enemies, Zane is who you want to go with.
MOZE, The Tank Gunner

Moze is the tank and the Gunner. She’s more of a shoot and blow things up type of class. She has a range of guns she can use on the battlefield that can clear things.
Moze three action skills that includes a Grenade Launcher , a Railgun and a Minigun. Not only does she has all of those she has a battle suit that she can get into called Iron bear. Once you summon the Iron Bear you get an unlimitiled ammo supply.
She’s built for destruction only. The Iron Bear runs off fuel and has a cooldown. When utilizing her Iron Bear suit you can choose to weld two of the same weapons or mix and mix the guns to your liking
If you are the kind of player that likes dealing damage to a group of enemies at once, barely dying, or not having to reload, Moze and her Iron Bear is Vault Hunter for you.