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50 Cent Has A New Show Coming To ABC.

50 cent is on a roll with the tv shows.

50 cent is most definitely winning when it comes to tv shows. He announced that a new show “For Life” is coming to yet another network provider, ABC.

Sept 3 2019 is the date the he started filming his new series. Based on the life of Isaac Wright, Jr. Who went from a wrongly incarcerated prisoner to a lawyer all while he litigates cases for other inmates while attempting to overturn his life sentence.

The 2019-2020 series is produced by Hank Steinberg who was hand picked by Curtis. Steinberg work includes “Without A Trace”, “The Nine” and “The Last Ship”. Without A Trace had a seven season run on CBS.  The Last Ship which ran for five seasons. So hopefully we can get just a many out of “For Life” as well.

50 also has his three-year deal with Starz. Even though this is the season finale of Power 50 has four other series on the way, which includes  Black Mafia FamilyVanguard and Intercepted, a which is co-produced by LaLa Anthony. 

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