50 cent awarded another $4k in battle vs Tearria Mari

Wikimedia Commons/Flickr

It seems like the fuel between 50 cent and Teairra Mari it’s far from over.

50 wins yet another battle against Teairra Mari after the judge requested that the “I aint got it singer” pay him an extra $4,392.50 after the judge had already ordered her to pay $30000. According courts documents via The Blast

After she failed to abide by the courts ruling her her to pay. Curtis added Teairri to the “I want my money by money list” Once she started to taunt him and saying she don’t have the money.

He has been demanding her to pay him the money for some months and. Also requested a hearing to get Marí’s finances examined

 A judge inquired about her sources of income and finances. During the hearing, she claimed she was “broke” and did not have a source of income.

50 is still trying to get his money and even commented under the blast post “Stop f***** playing with me, IM NOT GONNA LOSE.”


